Navigating the dental regulation seas can be tricky. 

If you receive a complaint or notification or a show cause, understandably it’s as if you’re all alone in a storm at sea  trying to get the boat- your practice and livelihood -back to the calm seas of normal dental practice.

Now of course, your compulsory dental indemnity insurance provides you with support and advice as necessary.

Each case for the indemnifier will usually have a limited amount of resources the indemnifier can allocate to a complaint. Put simply, the people who assist you don’t have 8 or 12 hours or 2 days or more solid time to allocate to your complaint if it is necessary.

And you know, that is sometimes quite OK for some people. With insurance, you pool the risk and the resources and pay so that everyone in the pool gets some protection.

But responding  to dental complaints or notifications is specialised advocate work. And sometimes there can be a lot at stake.

If you are asked to write your own response, you will be given a map, and then sent off on the boat to navigate. It’s better than doing it alone and sometimes- in fact often- it’s enough.

But sometimes that just won’t get the job done. Sometimes it takes more time or resources than your indemnifier can provide you.

With 35 years experience as a dentist and 15 years as a lawyer and over 10 as a barrister –  if I am to assist you, I will  help you to present the best strategy and response possible. 

It comes from having helped hundreds of dentists since 2010 when the National Law commenced.

Sometimes, the best strategy is not obvious, and it is only through experience that one knows what to do and how to respond.

I can take as much time as necessary to get put you in the best position to get the best outcome from the regulator, and will do so with a weather eye on the appeal and review processes that sit above the first tier of regulation.

So, no matter whether it is a health fund, a Health Commission, Medicare, AHPRA the Dental Board or the Dental Council who is against you, if you want to get better support and services, maybe you want another option – a pilot and not just a map.

Email  or call 07 3007 1777 for an obligation-free and confidential discussion including costs.